With the advent of electromobility in today’s vehicles, the storage and provision of large amounts of energy has become more important than ever before. Due to this and ever stricter regulations for pollutant emissions in motor vehicles, new technologies are constantly being developed to advance the automotive industry.

In all these efforts to further increase the effectiveness of modern vehicles, the focus is on the fuel cell. In a fuel cell, the electrical energy is obtained by means of a chemical reaction. The hydrogen required for this is gaseous, highly compressed and stored in special tanks in the vehicle.

When using hydrogen as an energy source, however, special hazards arise. These can occur during repair, maintenance, but also during operation.

So that you are able to correctly assess the dangers of hydrogen-powered vehicles and to carry out work safely, we offer you our training courses to obtain the necessary qualifications. Since high-voltage electrical voltages are generated in fuel cell vehicles, additional high-voltage qualifications are required. You can find out more about high-voltage training here: High-voltage training: High-Voltage Training

Battery technology and hydrogen technology

Hydrogen technology holds many future opportunities. For anyone working with hydrogen systems, however, knowledge of the properties and dangers of hydrogen is required. In the first module of our four-part hydrogen qualification, you will acquire basic knowledge of hydrogen in order to be able to safely handle systems or vehicles with gas-carrying systems.

Knowing the dangers of hydrogen – raising awareness about hydrogen

- Basics of hydrogen
- Properties compared to other fuels
- Sources of danger when handling gases
- Possible safety measures
- Samples of gas systems in vehicles and in industrial plants
- Principles of occupational safety when handling hydrogen
- Inspection

Duration for the instruction 4 teaching units (0.5 days)

Carrying out specified activities on hydrogen systems safely – Basics in the safe handling of hydrogen

For safe work on gas-carrying systems that are used in industrial plants or in hydrogen vehicles, knowledge of the properties of hydrogen is just as relevant as knowledge of the structure and interactions of hydrogen-exposed components and systems. Basics in the safe handling of hydrogen provides you with the necessary knowledge to be able to safely carry out specified work on hydrogen systems.
Duration of instruction is at least 16 lessons (2 days)

Developing safety concepts – working safely on systems with hydrogen

Working safely on systems with hydrogen is aimed at people who are involved in development activities relating to industrial plants or hydrogen vehicles. This includes the development of safety concepts for vehicles and testing stations. With your in-depth knowledge from the third module, you will be able to work safely on hydrogen systems or hydrogen vehicles and to implement safety concepts.
Duration of instruction is at least 16 lessons (2 days)

Qualified person: Handling hydrogen

Once the release and testing of systems with hydrogen has been completed, you can create and test safety concepts for the hydrogen infrastructure and release them for other applications. Your technical knowledge as well as your knowledge of the relevant legal provisions and technical rules enable you to be named as a qualified person in accordance with TRBS 1203.
Duration for the instruction 4 teaching units (0.5 days)

Request training now!

Contact us, we are happy to be there for you. You can reach us at +49 30 327 644 13 or by e-mail at training@vadotech.com. You are also welcome to use the contact form, the price enquiry is non-binding for you.